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Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Online JOBS (Part-4)


How to receive payments after working for PTC sites?
OK! here, this is the main part that every body wants to know. I usually get 100+ emails every day asking about how do i receive my payments form those PTCs for whom i work for?. So, finally i thought rather replying each and every one through email, why don't i make my job little easier by providing this information inside this blog.

As you know that we the Customer who work for the Advertiser by click or viewing their ads. The advertiser usually who are registered to those PTC sites doesn't belong to only one country or state rather they are from various states and countries from all over the world. Due to this, different advertisers from different countries possess different kinds of bank account for paying purpose. But those bank of the advertisers doesn't support few list of countries or some countries to pay directly to its local bank account. And if the customer falls from those restricted countries then he/she doesn't get their payment after doing all those hard work for the advertisers.

So, here finally to cure this kind of problem we need an Online Payment Processor between we, the Customer and they, the Advertiser. The online payment processor requests the money from the advertiser's local bank account and funds that money to the customer's local bank account. Now you are enough curious to know how this Online Payment Processor works. This is so simple like a cakewalk. That is, any one of the online payment processor (There are various Online Payment Processors. Some of them are listed in STEP 1 page of this Blog.) is linked with those PTC sites where all the advertisers also had to register and link their personal bank account for paying purpose. When we request our earned money then the advertisers deposit's that amount of money from their local bank account to the online payment processor's account and this online payment processor transfer's that money to our, the customer's local bank account.

You must have an account with an Online Payment Processor and link your local bank account with this online payment processor so that the earned amount will directly get deposited to your local bank account when you request for payment from the PTC sites.

After you make a sufficient amount in your PTC account, you can request payment. Some of the sites pays you  instantly, some sites pays you within 24 hours and some sites may take 1-2 working days for the payment request to process this is because more than millions of user registered to that PTC sites request for the payment at the same time which loads the system with lots of payment request so it takes time to get to your turn. Here at this time don't panic. Be patient, you'll surely get paid.

Different PTC sites has different Online Payment Processors listed through which you get paid. You just have to get registered with one of those Online Payment Processors for getting your payment. 

Only register with those payment processor to which you can link your personal bank account.

This is coz  if you register with the payment processor to which you can't link your personal bank account then your earned income will be dormant there. And what's the use of those earning that you can't use for your personal benifit. Here, the list of PTC sites that I'm providing, pays you either to your PayPal or  Payza (Alertpay) account. OK! here you're little bit of confused that what is Alertpay inside the bracket of Payza. This is not thing to get worried of, just Alertpay was the previous name of the current Online Payment Processor Payza. And for your kind information PayPal and Payza are those famous Online Payment Processor that can be linked to almost any bank account in the world having the facility of SWIFT code service for International transaction. Those PTCs that I'm providing you here will send the money to your PayPal or Payza account. And from there your money can be easily transferred to your Personal  Bank Account!!

Now you must learn how to create a free Online Payment Processor Account. So, for this you must

Proceed to Step 4

Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5 | Step 6 | 


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